In order for everyone to have a great time at the drive-in, and insure a safe and fun evening, guests agree by entering the drive-in, to abide by our policies. It is understood that guests who do not abide with any of those conditions, will, at the discretion of management, forfeit their right to legally remain on the premises.
NO RE-ADMISSION! Patrons leaving the drive-in will be charged the full admission to re-enter.
No Outside food or beverages allowed into the Aut-O-Rama Drive-In. Violators will be ejected with NO refund!
The SPEED LIMIT is 10 MPH. Please observe this for the safety of everyone. STRICTLY ENFORCED!! Violators will be ejected with no refund!!
- Shoes must be worn at all times by everyone. NO cash refunds, NO rain checks.
- Children must be supervised at all times, and parents are responsible for their children’s actions.
- Please deposit trash in the containers provided.
- Hold on to your receipt at all times during your visit to our drive-in. No switching screens. Purchasing tickets at the Drive-in permits our guests to view ONLY the movies shown on the screen their receipt specifies.
- When necessary, larger sized vehicles will be required to park in designated areas. Raised hatchbacks must be tied down to roof level or you will need to park with the trucks and vans.
- ATTENDANTS & SECURITY HAVE FINAL AUTHORITY OF WHERE YOU MAY PARK: Each vehicle is entitled to 1 parking space. Park vehicle in the center of 2 poles. If you are sitting outside the vehicle, do not occupy another parking space. Place all lawn chairs and blankets in front of, or behind vehicle.
- Pets are not permitted at the Aut-O-Rama Drive-In
- Obscene language or profanity will not be tolerated.
- Laser pointers are not allowed at the drive-in.
- No cooking, grilling, or food preparation is allowed on drive-in property.
- No fireworks of any kind permitted at anytime, including the Fourth of July.
- No vehicle lighting is allowed while the movies are being shown. Headlights, parking lights, and all interior lights must remain off. No exceptions. Please use your parking lights to enter and exit the theatre.
- Show consideration for the guests parking around you. Do not use loud voices, horns, radios, or any type of sound loud enough to disturb other guests.
- Please be considerate of guests around you while smoking.
- Please Walk to the refreshment stand or restrooms. DO NOT DRIVE, unless handicapped.
- No Alcoholic beverages permitted.
- No running on the theatre premises.
- The use of DVD or video players is not permitted.
- Use of cameras, video cameras or other recording devices is not permitted. Police will be notified, City, State,. Federal Laws enforced.
- Persons caught sneaking in will be charged double, or the whole car will be ejected.
- Due to the closeness of other vehicles, running your vehicle is not allowed.
- Make sure all passengers and belongings are safely inside the vehicle.
- PLEASE Watch for other patrons still outside of their vehicles.
- Please be considerate of other guests at all times.
- Pot/Marijuana smoking is not allowed.